recorded in houdini 17.5

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rocket bus

total duration - 6 hrs 30 mins

The video training includes the hip files

Training level - intermediate


The primary aim of this training is to provide a project that will take the viewer through as much of Houdini as possible'. Letting them utilize all the various tools that Houdini provides for modeling and VFX to generate a detailed environment.

Over the course of the training we shall cover a variety of topics such as, polygonal modeling, procedural modeling, terrain building using heightfields, modeling vegetation, modeling using VDB, detailed instancing, learning how to simulate smoke in Houdini, using the new Vellum solver to simulate dust, grass and cloth and rendering the final scene.

The rendering section covers Redshift and Octane.

NOTE: The first 3 parts of the training, which cover building the scene, can be done in any variant of Houdini, Apprentice, Indie or FX.

The rendering section will require Houdini Indie at the minimum, since Apprentice does not support third party plugins. If you’re using Mantra then it can be done in the Apprentice version.

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Content Details -  6 Video Chapters (with Audio)

lesson plan


  1. Bus basics - Building the basic structure of the Bus using Booleans

  2. Bus Details - Adding additional details using HOLE and Knife Tool

  3. Bus stop A - Building the bus stop procedurally using a single Line

  4. Bus stop B - Adding details to the bus stop.

  5. Trash can - Adding a trash can to the Bus stop using Vellum cloth.

  6. Terrain Basics - Using Heightfields and standard primitives to generate a landscape

  7. Terrain detailing - Adding details to the terrain using erode, distort and slump.


Content Details -  7 Video Chapters (with Audio)

lesson plan


  1. Terrain Scatter - Using the Heightfield scatter to scatter points on the terrain

  2. Plants petals - modeling simple procedural plants in Houdini

  3. Plants clusters - Turning the single plants in clusters for mass instancing.

  4. VDB Rocks - Modeling rocks using VDBs and volume noise in VOPs

  5. Instancing basics - Learning the basics of instancing in Houdini

  6. Instancing final - Instancing the rocks and plants on the terrain.

  7. Electric poles - Build the electric poles by using the Road curve from the terrain.


Content Details -  7 Video Chapters (with Audio)

lesson plan


  1. Scene assembly - Assembling the final scene

  2. Cloud Modeling - Modeling simple clouds using the Houdini Cloud tools

  3. Streaky clouds and Fog - Modeling complex clouds and fog using Volume VOP

  4. Bus exhaust - Building a simple Smoke simulation in Houdini

  5. Vellum grass and dust - Using the smoke sim to drive grass and dust via Vellum

  6. Vellum clothing - Building a simple cloth sim using Vellum

  7. Replacement figure


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Content Details -  6 Video Chapters (with Audio)

lesson plan


13B Instancing final Octane - Doing a basic render

15B Scene assembly Octane - Adding an HDR and setting the basic lighting

17 Cloud rendering Octane - Building a cloud shader using the volume shader

18B Fog rendering octane - Making a fog shader

22 Exhaust Rendering Octane - Rendering the exhaust in Octane

23 Terrain Shading Octane - Making a procedural terrain shader and the final lighting

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Content Details -  4 Video Chapters (with Audio)

lesson plan

Lesson A - Modifying an HDRI in COPs to light the scene

Lesson B - Building the volume shaders for Clouds and Fog

Lesson C - Building the shader for the exhaust and making geometry lights to light the Bus stop

Lesson D - Building a procedural terrain shader in VOPs and setting up the shader for the instances.

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Content Details -  6 Video Chapters (with Audio)

lesson plan


13B Instancing final Redshift - Doing a basic render using redshift.

15B Scene assembly Redshift - Adding an HDR and setting the basic lighting

17 Cloud rendering Redshift - Building a cloud shader using the volume shader

18B Fog rendering redshift - Making a fog shader

22 Exhaust Rendering Redshift - Rendering the exhaust in Redshift

23 Terrain Shading Redshift - Making a procedural terrain shader and the final lighting